
My name is Brittany Muldoon and welcome to my music blog! I’ll be graduating from High Point University in May with a degree in Electronic Media Production. I’ve seen over 100 bands in concert and that number keeps growing, especially since I’m a photographer and reviewer for the music website Pop Deflators. My ultimate goal is to be on the road with tours and festivals as a music photographer and videographer and eventually become a music video producer.

Ever since I was little, music has been an important part of my life. It all started when my grandma made me cassette tapes of her favorite Elvis Presley songs. I used to take my boombox with me in the stroller when my mom went running so I could listen to them all the time. My tastes have evolved over the years but Elvis is still one of my favorites.  My favorite music today falls into the categories of alternative, rock, and pop punk, so that’s mostly what this blog will consist of.

I’m excited to share my passion for music with the internet world through this blog. I’ll be posting reviews, photos I’ve taken, news, and basically anything else related to music so I hope you enjoy it!

Until next time!

One comment

  1. surfsafariblog · January 29, 2016

    I love music too. Im always looking for something new to listen to. I can’t wait to see what kind of things you could recommend!

    Liked by 1 person

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